In this i explain some batch scripting tricks in hindi.
--- Basics Commands of .BAT Files ----
ECHO - Displays Text on the Screen
@ECHO OFF - Hides the text that is normally outputs
START - Run a file with its default application
REM - Insert a comment line the program
MKDIR/RMDIR - Create and remove directories
DEL - Deletes a file or files
COPY - Copy a file or files
XCOPY - Allows you to copy files with extra options
FOR/IN/DO - Lets you specify files.
TITLE - Edit the title of the window
0:00 - What is in Video? 1:08 - Continuously repeat message 3:01 - Continuously open notepad 4:26 - Shutdown computer with message 5:31 - Create unlimited folder in a minute 7:24 - Utilize 100% computer resources 8:21 - Safety Advise